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» » Эдуард Лейтман - Эдита Пьеха - Наш Сосед. English

Эдуард Лейтман - Эдита Пьеха - Наш Сосед. English


No sadness is around.
Any problem’s gone away
As we hear now loud
Lovely music every day.
We with neighbors didn’t know
And could not imagine this:
Sounds from a floor below
Youth let us to reminisce.

No alarm-clock is at morning. 
I don’t use it anymore,
Since the music in the house
Can be heard on every floor.
I can trust to my new neighbor
Who starts playing on a horn.
It is also his labor.
Lessons he would have to learn.

Day of work is passed already.
I’m back home right at five.
And as always I am ready
To enjoy the music live.
It is quite entertaining.
Folks cannot afford to miss.
It has power unwaning.
Everybody feels the bliss.
Someone who doesn’t like glee
Gets so angry. Well, so what?
Most of us of course love it.
Each of songs we sing by rote.
I'm accustomed and believe me
That at night I wouldn’t sleep
If this motive ever leaves me
And this melody I skip.



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