She was romantic, full of passion,
But never loved until that spring;
It was like a cruel, rude invasion
When she became "the naked queen"...
Those days of May were clear and shiny,
Young hearts were jumpin’ makin’ mad,
She met a fellow, smart and funny,
Who quickly took her in the bed.
She fell in love with him too badly,
He was enjoyin’ for a while,
Then disappeared in the crowd medley,
Had calmly flashed his farewell smile...
She felt herself like a fallen Angel,
Began to hate this world of men,
Their eternal struggle with the "dire danger":
"Can't the passion net break down my plan?"
A lot of stupid casual meetings
She used to practice many years,
Until, alas, was found guilty
In deaths of a dozen officers!..
Three handsome men’s disfigured corpses
Decayed in rooms of the “London Town”…
This quiet hotel was full of horrors
Those days remembered everyone!..
All London City sank in rumors
How a pretty woman, slender, smart,
Was travelin’ via the Western Europe
To pierce with a knife young fellows' hearts!
Why did she so, what was the reason
To spread men’s death through the boiling blood?
When did she open this cruel season?
Why did she lose her clear mind?
The main answer’s obvious for sure:
Her daybreak’s sank in the deepest dark;
The first sudden love had been the purest,
Through the twilight flickered like the spark
Until her Lord became a vile traitor;
She had been crushed, so slender, smart...
The revenge made her feelings better-
She fell in love with the streams of blood!

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